Careers at Kieger AG

Careers at Kieger AG

We believe in making a positive difference through investment management. Join our talented team and contribute to impactful work at every level.
38+ employees
20+ years of experience in helping investors navigate complex situations
15+ nationalities within employees

We value positive growth: will you join us?

Welcome to our vibrant and multicultural team. At Kieger, we “dare to care”, striving to make a positive difference. With short decision paths, hands-on involvement, and an open-door policy, we value open communications and take accountability to heart.

Our Core Values

We are ambitious catalysts for innovation and positive societal change, using our talent and enthusiasm to challenge the status quo and shape a better future for all.

We conduct our own thoughtful ESG assessment and do not rely solely on external research.

We use numerous data sources as a basis for analysis. Each decision is assessed at multiple levels (analysts, sustainability & impact committee).

We evaluate both the ESG factors and their real-world impacts.

Get in Touch

Would you like to learn more about working at Kieger? We are gladly available for you

Learn more about us

Discover more about how we think, work and dare to care to make a positive difference for everyone we engage with.

Our Team

Ambition, investment expertise and passion for positive change: meet our team.

Our Values

To CARE is the bold philosophy we live and work by. ‘To care’ is ingrained in our origins

Our Principles

Discover the guiding principles that ignite our passion, inspire excellence, and drive positive change in everything we do.